Thursday, May 18, 2017

The American Bar Association's Rule of Law Initiative

A graduate of the Hofstra University School of Law in New York, Steven Schlesinger is a partner of Jaspan Schlesinger LLP. A Super Lawyer in the area of business litigation, Steven Schlesinger has served as chairman of the Nassau County Bar Association’s Professional Ethics Committee in New York and is currently a member of the American Bar Association’s Litigation Committee.

A Better Business Bureau accredited entity, the American Bar Association is a professional organization for those in the legal profession. Founded in 1878, the organization maintains a membership base of over 400,000 lawyers, law students, and others that work in the field of law. One of the association's primary goals is to elevate the legal profession in America, which it accomplishes through programs like the Rule of Law Initiative.

Established in 2007, the Rule of Law Initiative is an international effort that works to support the legal profession while also implementing economic opportunity and human dignity programs. The initiative, which also engages in legal research, has a footprint in over 100 countries with over 500 professional staff members. For additional information on the program, visit